Long-lasting protection from the elements with unmatched shine. Wash and dry your car effortlessly. Never wax your car again.


Ceramic coating Grand Rapids

A long time ago, we waxed cars to protect them. Now we use ceramic coatings and paint protection films.

Appearance - ceramic coatings give your vehicle unmatched shine and gloss. The self cleaning properties of these coatings also keep your vehicle clean for significantly longer by repelling dirt and water.

Protection - particularly important in Michigan where our vehicles experience the full range of natures elements, these coatings help protect your vehicle from:

  • animal and bird droppings that can permanently etch into your clear coat.

  • tar, sap, brake dust and iron - contaminants that stick to and deteriorate your clear coat.

  • road dirt, salt and other chemicals that cause rust and breakdown clear coat over time.

  • UV rays, which cause your clearcoat to oxidize and fade.

  • water spots and hard water stains.

  • light swirling and marring

We’ve been installing coatings since 2016 - long enough to try almost all of them. We only use products with proven results that we can personally stand behind. Fully guaranteed and warrantied protection.

The ceramic coatings we use form a durable, high gloss, slick to the touch, inorganic layer of 9H or 10H optically clear ceramic on top of the vehicles clearcoat. After application, gloss levels will remain in the 90th percentile for years. The added layer of high density ceramic is highly resistant to chemicals, making bonded contaminants like sap, tar, and hard water significantly easier to remove.

Water will bead and repel off of the surface with ease, making the wash process and upkeep of the vehicle a fraction of the effort it used to be.

After your car is ceramic coated, you can cut your washing and drying time down by up to 50%. Check out out this video below to see how the ceramic coating gives your paint a true mirror finish, while immediately repelling water from the surface.



  • LEVEL 1

    Full exterior detail & decontamination wash

    1-step enhancement polish

    5 or 9 year ceramic coating


  • LEVEL 2

    Full exterior detail & decontamination wash

    2-step paint correction

    5 or 9 year ceramic coating


  • LEVEL 3

    Full exterior detail & decontamination wash

    3-step paint correction

    5 or 9 year ceramic coating



  • Price shown above reflect average starting prices for small sedans / coupes.

    We can give you a initial range based on your vehicles make and model, but require an inspection to see the condition of the paint before confirmation. This allows us to create a package that fits your desires and works with your budget.

    Pricing varies based on
    (1) size of the vehicle
    (2) level of paint correction needed pior to application
    (3) ceramic coating selected (2, 5 or 9 year)

  • In theory, you could apply the ceramic coating without doing a paint correction first.

    However, we do not recommend this.

    In order to ensure the coating properly bonds to the surface, the paint must be thoroughly cleaned, decontaminated, and polished so that the surface is a clean canvas.

    The coating amplifies the gloss, shine and condition of your clearcoat. If it is not polished to remove scratches and swirls before application, they will only become more visible.

  • Traditional wax only lasts for a couple months, max. If you want to keep your vehicle looking new and make your paint last for the life of the vehicle, you will need to detail and wax it at least 3 times per year. That can be $300-500 per service depending on where you go.

    Compared to the cost of having it waxed multiple times per year, a ceramic coating application will save you money in the long term while also providing significantly better protection and unmatched shine.

    Additionally, the preparation and paint correction process that needs to be done before the coating is applied can take anywhere from 12 hours to DAYS before even applying the coating.

    Be cautious of any shops advertising cheap ceramic coating prices. Chances are, it’s not a real ceramic coating or they may not be properly preparing the vehicle.

    Experience of the installer matters. An improperly installed ceramic coating can permanently ruin your vehicles paint. Fixing this can cost huge amounts of money.

  • The wash and preparation process can take anywhere from 2-5 hours depending on the condition and size of the vehicle.

    The paint correction process can take anywhere from 8 hours to days depending on size and the level of correction desired.

    The coating application is the fastest part. This can take 2-4 hours depending on size of the vehicle.

    The coating must cure indoors for at least 12 hours after application, and no washing or chemicals should come in contact with the surface for a week after application.

    Your vehicle will likely be in our shop for about 2 days.

    If you see shops claiming they can do this faster or cheaper - it suggests a lower quality output, lower quality ceramics, or skipping important parts of the preparation process.

  • In at least 95% of situations, yes, it will need at least a 1-step enhancement polish.

    Car dealers are not detailers. We look at things at a much closer level. Dealers are in the business of maximizing profit and moving cars as quickly as they can. Many dealers have on-site car washes that will scratch and swirl the paint. They use cheap, low quality products and move as quickly as possible. Quick and careless washing to frequently clean the cars on the lot results in scratches and swirls.

  • The best way would be to let us handle it for you. With any ceramic coating package, we include 1 or 2 free exterior details (>$300 value) because we want your car to stay looking perfect.

    In order to make your coating last it’s full life, we recommend hand washing your car at least once a month. We offer significantly discounted wash and maintenance packages to all customers after the coating has been installed.

    Whether you choose us to continue to maintain it, maintain it yourself, or go to another shop - make sure the soaps and chemicals you are using are coating safe.

    We will provide you with an in-depth explanation of how to maintain your vehicle before it leaves our facility. We’re also happy to provide you with the products, chemicals, and knowledge needed to do it yourself!


Give us a call or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you quickly.